"Relationship of deficit and debt[edit]
Intuitively, the annual budget deficit should represent the amount added to the national debt.[51] However, there are certain types of spending ("supplemental appropriations") outside the budget process which are not captured in the deficit computation, which also add to the national debt. Prior to 2009, spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was often funded through special appropriations excluded from the budget deficit calculation. In FY2010 and prior, the budget deficit and annual change in the national debt were significantly different. For example, the U.S. added $1 trillion to the national debt in FY2008 but reported a deficit of $455 billion. Due to rules changes implemented under President Obama in 2009, the two figures have moved closer together and were nearly identical in 2013 (a CBO reported deficit of $680 billion versus change in debt of $672 billion). For FY2014, the difference widened again, with the CBO reporting a deficit of $483 billion [52] versus a change in total debt outstanding of $1,086 billion.[53]" Wikipedia.The Chart gives more current figutes. In fiscal year 2014, the total debt of the United States Treasury increased by $1,086 billion, or put differently $1.086 trillion dollars. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of Jack, Jack.
To put it another way, when you divide that $1,086,000 million dollars of how much the national debt was increased in fiscal year 2014 by the total number of people residing in the United States of 350 million people--men, women, and children, you get an increase in the national debt for that year of $3,102.86 for each man, woman, and child living in the U.S.A. What if your wife, or husband, or kid went out last year and blew $3,102.86 and had nothing to show for it. You'd get pretty mad, right? Well, when Hal Rogers and his Republican cronies go out and put you in debt for an additional $3,102.86 for that fiscal year 2014, why does that not make you mad enough to vote Hal Rogers and his political cronies out of office? Well? Think about it.
According to the above chart, 2018 debt increases and deficits are much worse than 2014 debt increases and deficits. How badly do things have to get out of whack before you will replace Hal Rogers and his Republican cronies with Democrats. Democrats served as President during the golden ages of America. In 1800 our first Democratic President Thomas Jefferson was elected President, and he promptly doubled the size of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase. His eight year Presidency was followed by the eight year Presidency of his fellow Virginian, James Madison, and then the eight year Presidency of their fellow Virginian James Monroe. John Quincy Adams, another Democrat, and the son of a Federaist President succeeded the three Virginians. Finally that Democrat Andrew Jackson, whose face is scheduled to be removed from the twenty dollar bill because he is not politically correct enough, served two terms as President. Another Democrat, Martin Van Buren succeeded Andrew Jackson as President. Finally some Whigs served as President, until James K. Polk was elected President, defended America in a war with Mexico, and annexed a third of Mexico into the United States. After four more years of Whiggery in the White House, Franklin Pierce restored a Democratic Administration to the White House, followed by Democratic President James Buchanan.
The question of the abolition of slavery resulted in a series of Republican Administrations from 1961 until Grover Cleveland served a term as a Democratic President, was out of office for four years, and then served another four years as a Democratic President. As mentioned above, these years with mostly Democratic Administrations enjoyed a stable amount of currency, with a stable value of the currency, also. A dollar would buy the same amount of produce in 1792 as it would in 1932.
Woodrow was President from 1913 until 1921. Finally, the Republican era ended in 1932 when the Great Depression struck, and the people turned former New York Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, another Democrat, into the President.
In the initial years of the Great Depression, the government enacted the Hawley--Smoot Tariff Act, which only deepened the Great Depression, by adding to trade wars against America's trading partners. Also, as a matter of economic policy, America cut off Japan's oil supply, contributing to Japanese anger at the United States. Yes, trade wars have bad consequences, lengthening depressions, and inciting wars.
After the sixteen years of the Roosevelt-Truman Democratic Administration, Republicans again controlled the White House with much Democratic strength in the houses of Congress.
Another Democratic Administration came to Washington in 1961, when John Kennedy brought "The New Frontier" to town. Upon his untimely death, Texas Democrat Lyndon Johnson led the country for the remainder of the Kennedy-Johnson Administration. I saw Lyndon Johnson in 1960 when he was campaigning at a railroad station near where I lived. After a couple of Republican Administrations, Jimmy Carter of Georgia carried every county in Georgia and brought the Democrats back into the White House in 1977.
After the Reagan-Bush Administrations, former Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, another Democrat was elected President and served the last eight years of the old millenium. After another President Bush lived in the White House, Barak Obama was the most recent Democrat President in a long line of Democratic Presidents.
Bipartisanship is good, as long as it is for good causes. When I was in college, the Gross National Product was $660 Billion, at an annual rate, now our annual Federal Budget Deficit, or annual increase on the Federal debt is more than that. Democrats and Republicans need to work together to bring the budget under control. Many expensive programs we cannot afford. We will have to make some cuts. If a political program won't sell in Peoria, we probably don't need it. In our household, everyone would like to drive a Cadillac, but most people can't afford one, so we settle for what we can afford. The same is true of the government. We need to settle for what we can afford, and cut back on useless programs. Democrats of the past centuries knew how to cut spending and make budgets. That's what we need now. We need to cut spending, and make better use of how our taxes are spent. Kenneth Stepp.
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