Thursday, May 12, 2016

Candidate Profiles: •Clint Harris was a prosecutor as Assistant Clay County Attorney and was primarily responsible for prosecuting juvenile cases against alleged law violators--children, parents, and others in Clay Family Court. He has also prosecuted cases in Clay District Court. * * * * •Monica Rice-Smith who has been a prosecutor as Assistant Leslie County Attorney and was the prosecutor in juvenile cases against alleged law violators--children, parents, and others in Leslie County. * * * * •Former U.S. Navy Officer, Veteran Kenneth Stepp has established a career practicing law and has served primarily as a defense attorney, public defender and as an Assistant Public Advocate representing indigent defendants in criminal cases in Harlan and Bell District Courts. Mr. Stepp considers his never being a prosecutor of individuals as an important contrast among the candidates. _________________ ClayCoNews readers and voters in Clay, Jackson, and Leslie counties are urged to participate in the democratic process and to cast their vote on May 17, 2016. The Office of Family Court Judge is an incredibly important position and directly impacts children and families. .

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