Sunday, December 17, 2017

I am undecided about running for political office in the future.  What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes PLEASE! Everybody in America deserves to have multiple options to choose from when voting, and you never know - anybody can win, if the circumstances are right! There are only a dozen congressional districts in the country without a democratic candidate today, of which Kentucky's 5th is unfortunately one... but you can change it if you register TODAY (which is the deadline, you have to register now)! Please, if you run, democrats might be able to field a candidate everywhere in America - win or loss, they'll be able to show everybody across the country that they are doing everything they can to fight Trump and his cronies.
So, please, run for Kentucky's 5th again. To give Kentuckians a chance to vote for who they want to, to show America that resistance against Trump spans from sea to shining sea, and maybe even to win - imagine if Alabama had gone uncontested (Not saying that Rogers is a pedophile, just pointing out that it's important to run even if it seems unlikely because unforeseen consequences can happen).