Monday, September 24, 2018

The trip around Puerto Rico, continued.

(Continued from the publication just below this one)
Anyway,  the puertoricano's  horse snorted at me and then left.  How can you say, Puerto is tropical, but its mountains toward the center of the island keep people cool.    There are places to see in la Puerto Rico.  After we passed through Ponce, we continued along the southern side of the island which faces the Carribbean Sea, and finally turned inland when we were as far west as San Juan, the island's capital.  We saw a rocky-sided lake with huge gray fish soaking in the fresh water, but they weren't biting that day.   We went on to Aricebo, the place where your Uncle Sam built giant radio-telescopes, where they can monitor the radiation waves and sounds from deep in space on radio-telescopes.   After that, we made fast pass-through near San Juan, and headed back to the Naval Base.  About halfway to the Naval Base from San Juan on their 4 lane highway, they had a wonder in saving law enforcement money--a flashing blue light on top of a telephone pole.  Of course, those seeing it for the first time slowed down to a crawl, afraid some puertoriccano cop would swoop down on them and hand them a ticket.  After I had made a few trips from the Naval base to San Juan, I learned to ignore that flashing blue light on the end of a telephone pole.   I enjoyed living on the Naval Base there for a year and a half, until it was time to return to the States.   Now I enjoy living in the States, here among the bluegrass.
      As a former resident of Puerto Rico, who lived with my wife and son in Puerto Rico, I hope that the expressed will of the people of Puerto Rico will be honored, and that they become the 51st State of the United States.  The belief in an America for more people and another State did not die in 1912, when Arizona and New Mexico attained Statehood.  Puerto Rico voiced support for Statehood in their recent election, and we should honor that by making Puerto Rico our Fifty First State.  Kenneth Stepp.  STEPP FOR KENTUCKY.  ELECT KENNETH STEPP TO CONGRESS, KY-05.  

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